How Much Does Surfing Equipment Cost?

How much does surfing equipment cost?

Surfing is the ultimate form of escape, taking you from the hustle and bustle of daily life to a serene world of waves and saltwater.

But before you can hit the waves, you need the right gear and you may be wondering, how much would it cost me to surf?

Well, buckle up, because the answer is as varied as the waves themselves.

From boards to wetsuits and accessories, the cost of surfing equipment can quickly add up and surfing may seem like a costly endeavor at first, and while it’s true that you’ll need to make an initial investment, the truth is that surfing equipment is not necessarily a long-term buy, but a one-time expense.

In other words, you’re not just buying a day at the beach – you’re buying a lifetime of stoke. Think about it, you only need to buy a surfboard once every few years, and a good wetsuit can last you several seasons.

You can surf on a budget with a used board and some hand-me-down wetsuits, or you can go full Kelly Slater with the latest high-tech gear.

So whether you’re a thrifty grom or a beach bum with a platinum card, let’s dive into the costs of catching some gnarly waves and actually see why surfing isn’t as expensive as you might think.

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What Equipment Do You Need to Start Surfing?

When it comes to getting out on the waves, there are some basic pieces of equipment that every surfer needs.

The most important and obvious item is a surfboard, which can come in different shapes and sizes to suit your skill level and the type of waves you’ll be riding.

Most surfboards come equipped with a leash and fins, so you don’t have to worry about purchasing these items separately.

Another important item is the wetsuit, as it will keep you warm and protected in the water, especially in colder conditions mostly in the ocean and in the winter.

Depending on where you live, you may need additional items like gloves and hoods for cold water surfing or sunscreen for sunny days in tropical climates or hot areas.

And of course, let’s not forget the wax, depending on your surfboard, you would probably need it anyway.

Remember that you don’t have to buy new items and can go with second-hand used gear, as long as it’s in good condition and fits you properly.

You probably already wondering how much surfing equipment costs and what it takes to be a surfer, so here are the items you’d need and their price range:

Surfboard: New – $400-$1100, Used ~$150-$200

The most important piece of equipment for any surfer is their board. Choosing the right board is essential for getting optimal performance out of your surfing experience.

Prices can vary greatly depending on materials and size, but generally speaking, expect to spend at least $400-500 dollars on a good quality surfboard, with used boards being much less expensive, around $150-$200.

if you’re in the market for your first surfboard, buying a brand-new one from a surf shop may not be the best option.

Instead, consider looking for a more budget-friendly-beginner-friendly board through alternative channels. With a bit of research, you can find the right board and save some money in the process.

Also, take into consideration that there’s no need to buy an expensive surfboard when you’re just starting out.

You will probably damage it as you gain experience and improve your skills. It’s better to wait and buy a better surfboard later on.

When it comes to choosing a foam board for learning purposes, consider the number of stringers it has.

Stringers are wooden reinforcements that run the length of the board and prevent it from breaking.

Typically, soft-foam surfboards come with either two (twin/dual) or triple stringers. Tripe stringers provide greater strength and better performance, but also come with a higher price tag.

If you’re looking to buy a used surfboard, inspect it carefully and make sure the board doesn’t have any visible holes and feels light enough.

If it has holes or feels overly heavy, it may be waterlogged and deteriorating from the inside, so it’s best to avoid it.

Wetsuit: New – $300, Used – up to $100

Another important piece of kit is a wetsuit, and as previously mentioned, if you’re surfing during the summer months, you may not need a wetsuit right away.

However, unless you live somewhere where the water temperature never dips below 70°F (21°C), then a wetsuit is almost essential if you want to enjoy your time in the water.

When the time comes to buy a wetsuit, it’s best to purchase it in person at a local store rather than online.

This is because getting the right fit is crucial and returning a wetsuit can be cumbersome due to its weight and shipping costs.

Once you find a wetsuit brand that fits you comfortably, you can feel confident in ordering similar wetsuits from that brand online in the future.

Wetsuits come in various thicknesses and styles and can range vastly from $50-$1000 and a fair average price would be $300.

Always do some research and find one that fits well within your budget while still providing adequate warmth and protection.

If you’re buying a used wetsuit, it should not cost more than $100, and make sure it is not torn or too worn out.

Take time to inspect it thoroughly and ask the seller plenty of questions about its condition and any damages before you commit to buying.

Keep in mind that a decent wetsuit should be in good form for 3-5 years, depending on how often it is used and how well you take care of it.

Wax: ~$3

Surf wax is an affordable yet crucial component of your surfing gear. It keeps you from slipping off your board and makes it feel less like an oil slick when wet.

One bar of surf wax can last up to a year in most conditions, although you may need to reapply based on the temperature changes in your area.

Therefore, when buying surf wax, it’s important to choose a wax that is suitable for the water temperature you’ll be surfing in.

Most surf wax brands offer different formulas for different temperature ranges, so be sure to check the label before making a purchase.

However, if you’re using a foam board, you may not need wax at all. Foam boards have a textured surface that provides a natural grip, making wax unnecessary.

Still, some foam board riders choose to apply wax for added grip and as a personal preference.

A bonus when purchasing a surfboard is that you may receive a bar or two of surf wax for free, many shops just give it away so don’t be afraid to ask for it. We should have changed this guide to how to save $3 easily.

Is Surfing Expensive?

The cost of surfing can vary greatly based on your approach and dedication to it. However, it’s fair to say that as a beginner, surfing can be quite affordable, especially if you’re near the coast.

With just a board and the right clothing, you can have all you need to start surfing, and if you plan on taking it further, then buying quality gear and accessories may be worth the investment since they will last longer and make your experience more enjoyable.

Some people who really like surfing have more than one board and they might spend a lot of money on their surfing lifestyle.

It’s important to mention that surfing can be a cheap hobby or a costly lifestyle, it all depends on the level of commitment.

If you are just starting out, it is best to think of it as a hobby, and as you get better, you might want to make it more of a lifestyle.

All in all, to have brand new equipment you will probably spend around $600-$700, and with some research and good deals, surfing can easily fit into any budget, being not expensive at all.

Final Thoughts

For now, you can easily gear up for the waves for under $700, and if this might seem like a big spend, keep in mind that surfing requires a few expenses once your gear is purchased.

You don’t need a membership or license, and you won’t be paying any entry fees, and the best part — the waves are free for everyone to catch.

Unless of course, you don’t live near the ocean, then the main cost of surfing becomes to travel. Then you need to ask yourself several questions.

Will you chase the perfect waves and time your sessions with the tides, or are you happy with hitting up your nearby coast after a long day at work?

Are you good with waking up early in the morning and driving your car to that spot? And once you’ve got the hang of things, are you ready to invest in upgraded gear?

From long drives to regular surf trips and time wasted waiting for waves, getting to the best surf spots and the best out of surfing generally can add up, but the thrill of riding those waves makes it all worth it.

So, don’t hesitate – what are you waiting for?